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Labor union made charitable donation to Chen Leyan

Oct. 16, 2023

Since the establishment of our companys labor union organization on October 20, 2022, Kangleda has included the work of helping employees with difficulties in an important work agenda, as a way to promote the "three-color" culture of the enterprise and adhere to the "people-oriented" principle. It is an important means to implement the concept of "development for workers, development depends on workers, and development results benefit workers" and an important work content to protect workers' rights. With the strong support of the company's leaders, the company's labor union fully performs its basic functions, effectively serves as the first informant, the first reporter, and the first helper of the workers with special difficulties, and enthusiastically does good things for the workers with difficulties, does practical things, and solves problems. We have always taken it as a major political task to solve the production and living problems of workers with difficulties.

On October 14, 2023 Chen Xudan, leader of the company, Rao Lan, chairman and Zhengli, lives committee member of labor union visited Chen Leyan at her home , and donated money to provide financial security for the employees. Vigorously carry out the work of helping employees with difficulties, which will effectively stimulate and mobilize the enthusiasm of the owners of the employees, maintain the stability of the team, and promote the harmonious and healthy development of the enterprise.

Labor union made charitable donation to Chen LeyanLabor union made charitable donation to Chen Leyan

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